Szex vágyak – filmek, történetek, képek

18+ tartalom, filmekkel, képekkel, szex történetekkel, és szexbloggal.

Kimberly’s Humiliating Medical Seminar

Kimberly Dougherty buzzed through the suburban streets with the wind blowing her curly, reddish-brown hair in all directions. The care-free girl had taken her last test the day before at Warner College, and was looking forward to a relaxing summer. Gone were the worries of research papers and final exams. Her radio blared, and she […]

What won’t a girl do to become a member of a sorority

Mindy Chase arrived at the dormitory around mid- morning. School would begin in just three days and she wanted to get settled in and try to meet some new people before then. Aside from her life having been shredded and tossed to starving rotweillers over summer, she was doing fine. Physically she had never been […]

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