Fucking in the Tower Crane By Literotica

I’m sure many of you have glanced up a time or two while driving by a downtown construction project and wondered, „What’s it like to work up in that tall work crane?” Well, it’s kind of like sitting in a fishing boat all day, because you’re swaying all the time. It’s a solitary form of work, but it’s a very good job. Tower cranes are a common fixture at any major construction site. They’re pretty hard to miss as they often rise hundreds of feet into the air, and can reach out just as far. The tower or mast is the tall metal structure that the operator’s cab is perched on. The long horizontal working arm or jib is what carries the load. A trolley runs along the jib to move the load in and out from the crane’s center.

That is what I control from the cab. The type of crane I work on can reach a total height greater than 265 feet. At this site I’m currently set up on I’m at about the height of a 12-story high-rise. I rest at a point hovering over what will eventually be a ten story condominium. Only the first two stories are framed in so far. So sitting up in my operator’s cab these days I can see pretty much a full 360 degree view around me. I work from a phone-booth-sized compartment known as the ‘house’ atop this tall tower. My ‘house’ is no more than a seven by eight metal and glass enclosure.

My workday starts around 7 a.m. That is when I start my circus-act climb up a series of spindly metal ladders that zigzag through an open steel tower up to my ‘house’. It’s no surprise I don’t get many ‘houseguests’.

This morning I’m sitting here across the yard from my tower, eating the last of my donuts and drinking an orange juice. I’m in my typical uniform, jeans and long-sleeved shirt, my hard hat on the bench next to me.

„Hello, Jim,” George, the site foreman said as he walked up to me with outstretched hand.

„Morning George.” I say as I stand up and reach for his big burly hand and give it a shake.

„Jim,” he stopped and turned toward the young woman walking up next to him. „I want you to meet Sam Wyatt. Sam, meet Jim Murphy.”

„Nice to meet you, Mr. Murphy.” The comely young woman stretched out her hand to me.

„Nice to meet you, Ms. Wyatt.” I said, noticing no wedding band was on her left hand. „By the way, please call me Jim. Hate to feel older than I am already.”

„Sure thing, Mr. Mur…I mean Jim.” She smiled up at me. „And please call me Sam.”

„Thank you, Sam, I will then.” I said still gripping her soft small hand. I couldn’t help but look into her green eyes and be transfixed. They seemed to almost reach out and tug at me.

„Jim, Sam here is in training to be an operator. She finished up simulator training last week. She’s here to get her hands-on. She was supposed to start next Monday, but was anxious to get an early start. Sorry for no heads up but your our best, and I’m sure you can adjust and give our newbie here a good look from above this morning.”

I could feel the small hand in mine give me a tug and I realized I was still holding Sam’s hand. I quickly let go, but still looked into a very beautiful face. The face was crowned by a generous mane of blonde hair pulled back into a thick ponytail.

„No problem, George.” I replied to the boss. „I’m sure Ms. Wyatt, I mean, Sam and I can get something started this morning. I usually have some notes and stuff handy when I start a training session. But I’ll get her comfy with the ‘house’ today and let her get the feel of things.”

„Sounds good, Jim.” The boss told me, then turned and stuck his big paw out to the young lady. „Sam, welcome to the crew and listen to what Jim-boy tells you. I wasn’t just shooting him smoke, when I said he’s the best ‘house’ man I have ever worked with. You can learn a lot from him. Let him teach you the touch and feel of handling that rig. It’s a lost art.”

„I sure will, Mr. Bishop. I’m ready to get up that rig and learn everything I can.” Sam Wyatt said and then looked back up at me. „I’m honored to get to learn from the best.” The smile she flashed me at that moment elevated more than my ego.

The site whistle blew. It was 7:00 straight up.

„Thar’ she blows! Should we go on up young lady?” I ask as I pick up my hard hat.

„Sure, Mr. Murph…damn, I mean, Jim.” She took her hard hat she had tucked under her arm and put it on her lovely head.

Now that about did me in! Oh, its not that I haven’t ever seen another woman, even right good-looking gals on a construction site in a hard hat before, but this woman was causing all kinds of stirring in me this morning. I was afraid to say another word at the moment; just sure I’d say something stupid or be outright tongue-tied. So we just walked on toward the base of the tower, side-by-side in silence.

When we got to the base, Sam looked straight up the first thin metal ladder. She paused and looked further on up the tower. I could see her mouth open in awe. That expression took me back fifteen years. I remembered feeling just like Jack at the bottom of his beanstalk. It seemed like the tower went right up into the clouds with no end in sight. She just had had her ‘Jack’ experience.

The morning sunlight was extra bright and reflecting off the shiny metal structure. We began climbing the first flight of the tower to the crane. I sighed as I looked up at the equivalent of twelve stories of stairwell. I had embarked on this journey five mornings a week for most of fifteen years now. I always started out hating the thought of it but always got into a rhythm as I made it up the first few flights. I had always attributed my strong legs and selfishly vain taut behind to all this climbing. So I couldn’t complain too much about it all.

When we got above the unfinished second floor, the whole horizon opened up around us. It was always a wonderful sight to me. I looked up and could tell it impressed Sam, too. But for me, today, I was treated to an even more pleasant sight still. Sam was a few steps up ahead of me. All I could focus on was her blue jean clad butt swaying just a few feet from my face. That inspiration spurred me on for awhile.

But, I finally had to stop climbing at the tenth level, I felt out of breath. Only two more flights to go but, but this was as winded as I had ever felt. My heart was pounding faster than usual, too.

I looked up and saw Sam had already made it to the top. She stood there, her hard hat off, running her fingers through her long blonde hair and leaning back against the top rail. She couldn’t be more than 24-25 years old I thought. That made me nearly 15 years older. She had been born about the time I started working on one of these things. That was young and even at this distance I could see how attractive she was, but as much as much I knew I shouldn’t be feeling this way, I was feeling myself getting lost in her radiance.

I sighed, took a big breath, and began the climb anew with strength enough to close that gap between us.

I made it to the twelfth level.

This middle-aged man was more winded still, but my vigor had been renewed by getting close to that young woman again. As I walked off the last ladder and onto the metal perch outside the cab, I caught my breath some.

Trying to disguise my shame of lagging behind a first-timers climb up the tower I said, „You didn’t do so bad, busting your cherry on this climb.” The minute I let those words out, I knew I had screwed up. „I mean, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. It’s just, I’ve only trained guys up here before and well, I uh, I’m really sorry.” I knew my face was redder from embarrassment more than being winded at the moment.

„Don’t sweat it, Jim.” She brushed back her bangs under her hard hat and smiled. „This is not my first gig in construction. I’ve endured much worse language and sexual cracks before. Hell, actually until I had made it passed that first four flights down there I wasn’t sure if I was up to it. Just got into a zone and made it the rest of the way not wanting to slow you down after that.”

„No, I think I started losing you after five!” I said. Clearly, I shouldn’t be worried about her feelings more than her safety at nearly twelve stories up in the air. She had hooked already hooked up her safety belt. Besides, if she had been on a site before and looked like she did, she had obviously put up with a lot more than a crack at losing her virginity. Of course, once my heart started to slow again, the thought of her losing her real virginity entered my one-track male mind. I tried to shake the thought and sudden picture of her out of those jeans clear from my head.

I stepped passed her and reached out for the doorknob of the cab. I jiggled it. At first I was at a loss why it wasn’t unlocked. Then I realized I was truly distracted more than I knew. The key was still in my pocket. I reached in my jeans and fished for the key ring. As I did, I also realized something else. As I grasped the keys I also felt my fingers grab around something a bit longer. Damn! My heavy breathing was from more than just a stair climb. My manhood was puffed up under my jeans. Not hard by any means, but certainly telling me this woman was causing ‘Little Jim’ to take notice.

I unlocked and opened the door to my ‘house’.

„Welcome to my home away from home Sam.” I stepped into the small enclosure and stowed my lunch box back behind the crew seat. I heard it clank against my ’emergency jar’. As you may have also thought about the other poor guys that sit up her all day…How in the world do I go to the bathroom? Well, most days I just go before I come up and don’t go again until I come down. If it’s a slow day I may take a break and go down. On other days, that glass jar is my saving grace.

Sam stood just inside the doorway when she asked, „So what’s it really like up here?” „It’s a wonderful job. Love it. There have been occasions when I’ve gotten lost in the view and stayed to watch the sunset,” I said. „I keep a camera in my lunch box to capture the scenery on good days and evenings. Things change considerably as the building climbs over the weeks I’m up here.”

„How long have you been doing this job?” She asked.

„I’ve been operating tower cranes for almost fifteen years, and fell in love with the job right away.” I answered. „Growing up in the city as a kid I would go to construction sites and watch the cranes. I tried to imagine what the guys in these cabs were doing and what they could see from so far up. Once I got into construction, I knew it’s what I wanted to do, the best thing I could do. How about you?”

Her youthful appearance deceived Sam as she reached for a mature answer. The kid in her came out in her face and lilting voice. „I never lived in the city, still don’t. I live out on the west side now and take the bus in. But, back when, every time my family would come into the city as I grew up, it always made me wonder what cranes were like, how they were built.”

I nodded knowing exactly what she meant. „Maybe its like they say about the circus, once it’s in your blood you can’t let it loose. For me, after the first time I got into this seat, I knew it was the only career I ever wanted.”

„I just know, I’ve always wanted to do this and now that I’m finally up here, it rocks!” She added excitedly as her beautiful face lit up.

Sam was making me feel a younger.

„Well, actually this monster literally does rock.” I said. „A heavy load will pull you down, but when you release it, the jib literally swings back up. In fact, when you swing the tower, even without a load, it twists a lot.” I said as I tapped one of the joysticks at the end of the chair arms and sent the jib slowly moving to the right.

„Ohhh!” Sam squealed and planted her feet against the side of the cab. She also reached out and grabbed my arm to steady herself. „Wow, didn’t realize it swayed that much.”

I felt her warm soft hand through my long-sleeved shirt. It sent a familiar, but guilt ridden, shock through my body. I shouldn’t be having these thoughts or feelings about this young woman. But I couldn’t help it.

„Uh,…it’s, um…well, you get used to the swaying.” I added.

Sam recovered and pulled herself together. I watched her yank down on her shirt to tuck it back into her jeans. I couldn’t help but keep having lustful thoughts as I watched her hand slip under her waistband. What kind of underwear was this young lady wearing?

‘Jim, old man, stop it!’

„I see you have the new computer installed.” Sam nodded down at the unit perched on the narrow shelf in front of me.

„Yea, but to me its like the safety harnesses of a few years ago, I have done without it on the job and still haven’t really used it much. I turn it on everyday though, make it look good. I guess you know how to use this contraption?”

„Damn sure do!” Sam said as she inched forward and turned the screen on and tapped at the keypad. „In the simulator it was so great to have the visuals. Say you’re pouring concrete, and there’s a truck out there, and you can’t see it. When you set the bucket the first time, you can look at the computer and note the radius is at 51 feet. The next time you drop you know to set the bucket at 51 feet.”

„So what kind of help is that for a pro like me?” I argue. „I just use ticks on the joystick and eyeball the range on the jib. Never have missed the mark by more than a couple feet in the last several years. It’s all a matter of touch.”

„Touch is good.” Sam said and looked back at me. She was leaning slightly across my hip as she continued to tap on the keyboard. In that position I caught a generous glimpse of cleavage under her shirt. I even saw the pale pink color of her bra.

As she stood back up her chest did more than graze my arm. I easily felt how hefty her lovely breasts were. Okay, now I was officially in lust! „Jim, I think I screwed up.” Sam looked at me real seriously.

„What, Sam?” I said, instantly wondering what I had just done to show my true colors.

„I violated the number one rule in tower operating… ‘Pee before you climb.’ Nature is calling.” She was biting her lip and looking at me.

I grinned. „Well, I’ve got this jar back behind my seat here for emergency pit stops.” I paused. „Not sure that would work for you.”

„Uh, no, I’d rather not.” Sam started to blush.

„You only have one other choice then, hang it out the window.” I looked at her to see what reaction I’d get.

„What?” Sam almost shrieked.

„I’m kidding. I’m kidding.” I said and started to laugh. „I guess you better get ready to get some more exercise for those young legs of yours.”

„But I don’t want to waste your time.”

„Sam, you’re no good to me and won’t be paying attention to anything I teach you if you are dancing around squeezing your legs together.” I sat down in my seat. „You go ahead and go do your business. I have a couple touchy loads to lift early. We can start your hands on training with some test lifts after that. Now go, get.”

„I’m so sorry Jim, really. I’ll be back quick.” Sam said and walked out of the cab and shut the door.

I watched her walk across the perch the whole time staring at that amazing backside encased those tight faded work jeans. As her head disappeared below the metal railing of the first flight, I let out a huge breath I had obviously been holding way too long. This girl was getting to me. No, correction, she had gotten to me bad. I looked down and saw the biggest bulge I had had in my pants since eyeballing a nude sunbather on the top of a neighboring building a few months ago. Coincidentally, that was the last time I had hauled out my manhood to relieve myself here in my ‘house’.

I need that relief badly now.

I did a quick look out my cab to the stairs again. She was long gone.

I had to do this.

I undid my belt, unbuttoned, unzipped my fly and pulled my jeans down my hips a bit. Looking down my stomach I saw my grey boxers were sporting a nice bulge indeed. By the time I had pulled it out between the folds it was standing up hard as a rock. All I wanted to do right then was pump my cock until I came. Man, did I need this one!

But another part of me didn’t want this to end so soon. I wanted to picture lovely Sam with me, doing this for me.

I looked down at the thick cock in my hand and pumped my fist up and down the smooth shaft. Every time my fingers came back up over the thick, cut mushroom head, I first felt a small drip of pre-cum escape that tiny hole on top and then felt a moan escape my lips. I looked up and out over the little computer screen in front of me, out into the wonderfully clear blue sky. My daydream evolved into picturing Sam standing over me with her hand, not mine, on my cock masturbating me. Sam could hear my moans about to send me over the edge.

I closed my eyes and could feel myself almost getting there already as my muscles tightened.

Then I heard the door to the cab open.

My eyes shot open and there I saw Sam standing in the small doorway. She caught me with my hard cock still in my hand just seconds away from shooting the hottest cum ever all over my stomach and chest.

„I, uh, forgot to, uh, ask if you wanted me to bring you back something. Oh my…” She said weakly, her wide-eyed gaze fully locked onto the hard pole between my legs.

„Oh shit!” I tried to yell but it came out like a whimper. „Damn, I’m sorry.” I tried to push my cock back into my boxers but it was just too hard to go anywhere but straight up. My pants had slipped down my legs to my ankles so I leaned up to grab for them. As I did I accidentally hit the joystick on the right arm rest. It sent the cab turning to the left.

Sam lost her balance and fell over in front of me. She caught herself but was now wedged between me and the glass in front of us. I couldn’t lean down for my pants now. My face was practically pressed into the seat of her jeans. But I still tried to reach down for my own jeans.


That move only caused me to shove forward on the left joystick and suddenly my arm was caught between my thigh and the seat. I couldn’t move. We both heard the whir of the winch and knew the cable had just been released and was on a rapid descent.

„Shit!” I yelled. „I can’t move. The stick is jammed forward.”

„Hold on.” Sam yelled back. „Sit back as far as you can, so I can sit back and get to the keyboard.”

I sat back as she asked deep into the operator’s seat. I say back as far as I could, but was still restrained. Sam pressed back into me trying to move herself to be able to straighten up the best she could to reach the computer keyboard. She pressed back further until her backside was pressing almost painfully into my crotch. She moved and scrunched until she had enough room to get her hand on the keyboard. I heard the tap of a few keys and the winch braked.

She did it. She saved both our asses.

Only, why weren’t my heart and breath calming?

Because my cock was still hard and now it was positioned right in the cleft of Sam’s jeans-clad cheeks, that’s why. Whether she knew it or not, Sam’s slightest movements were making me that much harder.

„Damn, I can’t get up.” Sam finally said. Her bottom only rubbed against me the more she tried to move.

„I’m not going to be responsible for what big mess I make here in a matter of moments if you keep moving over me like this.” I had to be honest. My body was hot and it was not a hot day out.

Sam looked over her shoulder at me. The look in her eyes was not what I expected. The fright of the recent near tragic event was not there. The look in her eyes was familiar, familiar to a man who needed the carnal intimacy of a real woman at that very moment.

Then I heard a distinctive moan above me. The movements of her body over mine became more distinctive also. Her hips started moving more up and down rather than from side to side. I was being buried deeper into that luscious groove.

I had my back pressed against the seat, she may have had enough room to move away, but she didn’t. Instead her body wedged still more back against mine.

„Hold still!” She almost yelled back at me.

„Is that too tight?” I asked, trying to give her what space I could.

„No, no.” she breathily said, stealing another glance back at me.

Her face and chest was pressed against the glass in front of us. Almost humorously, I was wondering if she was looking out. Even though the streets below were busy, no one could see us up here, not even the boys down on that unfinished second floor could. Only, I concluded she was not concerned about being seen. Her body told me that; the damp wetness between her legs was very evident. In the tight confines of the enclosure I could already smell our musky arousal saturating the close air.

She pressed harder against me. I met her and pressed my hips up into her, forcing her to lean into the glass even more. I was rock hard against her warm jeans. She spread her thighs yet further and sat back on me even more. Her full weight was against me now, her crotch pushing into mine, thrusting and tempting me still more.

She had to know I was throbbing between her legs. I knew I had a dilemma. I wasn’t sure whether to tell her to stop and find a way out of this situation or let it go and make the biggest mess between both of us. But I was unable to pull myself away in more ways than one.

Then I heard Sam speak, „Yes” she mumbled. I looked up to see those beautiful eyes and face again. This time her face blushed even more. „Please” the words stumbled out of her mouth, „please.”

I was beyond stopping now and so it seemed was she. I was amazed at how sexual I felt. This was beyond anything I had felt in so many years. I knew I was too near exploding to last much longer. Sam seemed to be close herself, as we continued to dry-hump. The friction between our bodies generated a heat and friction that rivaled any sex I have ever had even fully naked. I knew I felt the cab rocking and swaying, as we continued on unabated by any distraction. As close as I was, I couldn’t have given a damn if the boss man had climbed up and caught us in the act!

Our breathing quickened and my heart pounded.

As our pace advanced she pushed her body up higher on me, literally riding me now. Her hands were pushing against the cab window in front of us as she bucked on me. My incredibly hard cock was sliding up and down the seam of her jeans. I swear I could feel the heat her hot, wet pussy was producing under that denim.

I grabbed her hips and she was kneading her ass over me as she thrust back and forth on the hardest I had ever felt my cock in whole life. I helped now, pushing her forward and holding her as she pushed back. The friction between us was building. She began to whimper. I wondered if she wanted, needed to cum as badly as I. My orgasm was right there, so very close.

Sam’s head began to roll back and forth. Our hard hats fell off. Her hair was flung around now, her moans building and building. I thought it was amazing to feel her on me. Talking about a fantasy fulfilled. For years I had daydreamed and jacked off to the thought of a having woman here in the cab with me. This was unreal! But here she was, here we both were, about to cum twelve stories up in this tall metal phallus.

Sam’s head then suddenly fell forward, hard against the glass, and she pushed her hips back down on me almost in a clench. She was giving me everything she had. Her rhythm became faster, and a little deeper. A sweat broke out under my shirt and across my face. I saw the same on her sweet neck as it glistened in the sunlight.

I took hold of her hips with both hands and my body slammed into her with all my might. My eyes looked up her body. „I think I’m about to cum, Sam.” I literally bellowed, the words echoing off the glass around us. Sam’s screams instantly filled the small enclosure. Her first orgasm must have ripped through her, as she knocked her head even more violently against the glass. „Yes,” she screamed. „YESSSSSSSS!” She ground herself into me furiously for a moment and then suddenly stopped. She pressed rigidly against me until I felt her tremble. I could literally feel her melt into successive climaxes as she unsuccessfully tried to muffle more screams by biting into her hand.

As she lifted and slid hard back up over my crotch, I felt myself losing it all. This construction worker hit his stride and before long I was grinding hard into her, feeling my balls begin to boil and tingle.

„Sammmmm!!! I’m gonna cum!” I said as I immediately felt everything let go.

I felt my cock throb under the pressure of her jean-clad ass. The first spurt of hot jism darkly wetted that denim between her cheeks. As I felt the next burst of cum shoot from my cock, I could feel Sam’s body pulsing over mine. We both reacted to every thrust. Every time I shot, Sam moaned and thrust herself down on me. Gush after gush smeared between us, sticky on my boxers and bare stomach, spreading broadly across the seat of her jeans.

As it all drained out of my flushed body, I watched as Sam shivered once more with her bumps and grinds, until the last scream of pleasure warbled out of her throat. She collapsed and sat back onto me. I wrapped my arms around her to both intimately cradle her and to keep her from falling. I was not so sure from the head bangs against the glass coupled with her intense orgasms that she may pass out on me. I was seeing stars myself!

But she spoke softly. „That was incredible.” I heard her mumble, her head resting on the computer.

„I agree. Oh, man do I agree.” I replied in a gravelly exhausted voice.

When I had finally regained full consciousness, my cock having been spent dry, I sat up and saw that beautiful face; Sam was smiling. She whispered over her shoulder, „Nice day for a good cum twelve stories up, huh?”

„I’d say so.” I said still holding her about the waist. „It was very nice indeed.”

„I’m not believing this though,” she said. „It was incredible, but in a way, almost scary. Can anyone see us up here?”

„No way. Take a peek out there, all around you. Not another tall building within blocks and we are ten stories above the guys down there.”

She lifted her head and glanced out over the deck. Then she gasped, „Oh, my God. It is really high up here. Those guys are a ways down. If I wiggled my cum-covered butt at them they’d never see it.” She laughed, which made me laugh.

„Well, we’ve gone well past the normal training program here. I don’t know if it means anything, but you sure have the best backside of any of the others I’ve trained in this cab.”

„Maybe it means we should do this again in a more comfortable setting sometime, if you are that agreeable,” said Sam, as she rubbed her damp jeans over my limp member.

„I’m agreeable, but I’m not sure he is as agreeable at the moment.” I said, reaching down to pull on my wilted cock from under her jeans. „You know, in the early years, I used to get to the site early some days. I usually got here early enough to jack off at least once before the first lift. Sometimes on a slow morning I’d cum a couple of times. That was back when I was a younger man and could recover more quickly. But, I’ve always been horny in the mornings.”

„Yeah, I guess it showed this morning.” Sam said, reaching back and giving my manhood a squeeze. „I can remember when I used to get off two or three times a day back in high school. But honestly, this was my first orgasm in a week. But I can tell you I’ll never go another day without one when I start sitting in the chair up here like this!”


I gave Sam a ride home after work that Friday afternoon.

Here I was now parked in front of her apartment building and watching her traipse up the walk. I gazed down at her backside. Those jeans were no longer damp with our mutual cum, but I could definitely see a distinct stain on her bottom. This morning I’d watched that gorgeous bottom moving and shimmying all over my hard cock, seated in my ‘house’ in the sky. Now I was watching the sexy roundness bouncing to and fro as it walked away from my old Dodge.

That scrumptious bottom had brought me some of the best sex today I’d ever known. From our first encounter this morning I couldn’t believe what had happened. After having had sex with her again here in my truck in the K-Mart parking lot on the way here (story for another time), I still couldn’t believe it.

In more ways than one this sexy young lady was no longer a virgin, from climbing a tower crane, to climbing my tower. Damn, I couldn’t believe I felt my cock stirring in my jeans again! Hadn’t had a three cum day since I was 30 I don’t think. I would this day, sipping a beer and wanking my cock when I got home, all thinking of my Sam.

Watching the sunset over her building, as she entered, it reminded me I had invited her to share a sunset with me on the top of my tower Saturday night. I used to do that a lot in the early days just for the beautiful scenery. This time I’d take a beauty with me to share another sunset tower experience.