Szex vágyak – filmek, történetek, képek

18+ tartalom, filmekkel, képekkel, szex történetekkel, és szexbloggal.

Always Hot Wife

The seething passions that lurk within many individuals are often hidden beneath a veneer of normalcy, exposed only under extremely tempting conditions. The woman who, after a few drinks at a party, takes on all corners, male and female alike. The man who, during a strip show at a stag party, climbs up on stage […]

Sister Slave

Who can judge a person’s reactions during stress situations? The prisoners of war who give in to their captors’ demands, the kidnapped heiress who joins forces with her abductors — all must act without past experience to guide them. All must make decisions in a vacuum, without benefit of familiar people or situations to guide […]

Hung, Strung Housewife

Who can judge a person’s reactions during stress situations? The prisoners of war who give in to their captors’ demands; the kidnapped heiress who joins forces with her abductors; all must act without past experience to guide them. All must make decisions in a vacuum, without benefits of familiar people or situations to guide them. […]

Family Lovers

Of all the social institutions which have had to endure change and weather criticism, the family concept is perhaps the most pronounced. Subjected to the undermining forces of alcoholism, the use of drugs and the advent of mate-swapping, the family unit has undergone immeasurable challenge in the wake of social advancement. FAMILY LOVERS is the […]

Hot Willing Housewife

Behind the outward serenity and closed doors of middle-class suburban homes, we find people tormented by the same problems that have afflicted men and women throughout the ages. While Americans today are living the „good life”, enjoying material comforts unheard of in other countries, people may still find themselves in an emotional turmoil, reinforced by […]

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